V sobotu 11.12. se na půdě SGV konaly FCE a CAE zkoušky pořádané společností P.A.R.K. Cambridge Exam Centre. SGV patří mezi její partnerské školy, proto zde zkoušky konali kromě 20 našich studentů i další studenti z okolních gymnázií.
O tom, jak zkoušky probíhaly a jak náročné byly, si můžete přečíst v příspěvcích účastníků:
„The whole exam was tiring and demanding. The main problem I had to deal with was to stay concentrated throughout the exam. But overall it was great experience for me.“ Františka Brunclíková
„Although it was hard to concentrate for such a long time, we are grateful that the exam took place in Velehrad.“ Anežka Janíková
„I don´t think I have ever had more mixed feelings as I had after the exam. Being focused all the time was exhausting and I was releaved when the exam was finally over and I could go home straight to the bed.“ Lenka Fojtíková
„As someone who´s done these exams in the past, the CAE exam was not different from the other ones I took. Except for the difficulty, of course. Overall, it was a really challenging day and I cannot wait for the result to come.“ Natálie Tománková
„The D day came this Saturday. After some basic information we kicked it off with the Use of English test. At that moment, everybody thought the worst had been managed. However, after writing we continued with unusually tough listening. All of us agreed that the whole day was really demanding; nevertheless, we are grateful it is already over. Actually, the hardest part is still there – waiting for the results.“ Monika Skopalová
„The exam was quite stressful, but everybody knows that we did our best when we had been preparing and even during the test. Although some of us don´t believe it, I´m sure every single person was successful.“ Anežka Berková
„Despite the fact that I was a bit nervous at the beginning of the exam, I really enjoyed it. The worst part for me was reading, and also listening, which I didn´t expect. I really appreciate the whole preparation for the exam which was perfect. Thank you!“ Jakub Hegr
„The day we awaited for over a year and a half finally came. Although I struggled with some parts, hopefully I was able to pass the exam. Now we have to wait until the results are delivered.“ Jakub Šidlík
Irena Nováková